Senin, 05 November 2012


Masalah itu cuma menjadi masalah kalo lo biarin itu menjadi masalah. It is all just a state of mind.

Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012

Hi.. It's Eidul Adha's Day..

So here I am, on my couch, at 10:08 in the morning, watching John Mayer's Where The Light Is concert.. Missed the morning prayer because the whole house overslept and I got pissed at Epew because he didn't want to be on a phone even after he said he'd wait.. I guess you really can please anybody. This is my own fault for making him wait for like half an hour or so when it was already past midnight, but I wish he would have considered being on a phone rather than sleeping and complaining the next day of how we don't have the time for talking on a phone. I just want to punch him in the face sometimes, goddd

Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Resep Tumis Tuna Kalengan

Wiii. Mau bagi-bagi resep nasi Tuna, yang laku bgt dijual ke temen2 kampus karna ini makanan rumah dan sehat (ya eyalah kan Ikan..)

Bahan: (untuk satu kaleng Tuna)

•1 Kaleng Tuna (plain, tp kl mau pake yg Cabe juga gpp)
•4-5 buah cabe merah (tergantung mau spedas apa. Kl gamau pake cabe juga gpp, kl mau pedesnya sedeng, 2-4 cabe cukup) (eike cabenya diblender. Kalo diblender. 1 1/2 sendok makan udah pedes.)
• 2 siung bawang putih (tambah bawang merah juga boleh, terserah aja. Bawang putih eike jg diblender.)
•bawang bombay yg udh diiris/cincang secukupnya. Enak banget pake bawang bombay.


• penyedap (eike biasanya Sasa)
• bubuk lada hitam
• garam
• saus cabe (Belibis)

Cara membuat:

1. Buka kaleng Tuna, sedikit aja dulu, keluarkan minyak ikan untuk menumis, secukupnya ya, 2-3 sdm. Sisanya boleh ditampung atau dibuang. (ingat untuk keluarin semua minyak sblm Tunanya mau ditumis, kalo nggak, nanti rasanya oily banget)

2. Siapkan bawang putih (atau merah) dan bawang bombay & cabe & sasa.

3. Tumis dulu bawang bombay sampe layu dan wangi, terus tuangkan bawang putih&cabe, tumis sampe mateng.

4. Lalu taburkan penyedap, tumis lagi.

5. Tuangkan tuna, lalu cacah sampai halus di panci.

6. Tumis sampai semua bumbunya nyampur.

7. Taburkan garam dan bubuk lada hitam.

8. Tumis lagi, dan inget buat dicobain. Nanti rasanya ga cocok kl ga dicobain.

9. Setelah rasanya pas di lidahmu, sajikan dengan saus cabe belibis dan nasi putih hangat. Enak dan super kenyang.

Simpel banget kaaan..

September 2012 - Love life circa 2010-present


Senin, 12 Juli 2010


hey guys! missing you a lot lately.

I realized it's been a while since I last opened this weird blog..
or should I say this freaky blog? (ah, who am I to judge?)

anyway, I'm in my very good health, no signs of influenza or severe headache.

so, it's July already.. I spent most of my time studying (lots of laughs, gossips and sleeping in UKS are included) my ass off. I had this big dream of studying in foreign countries.. yes, plural. and I know they put this high standards, which I (I don't mean to brag, but whatever) think with my grades (even thou it didn't get to the top 10 in my class) should give me a chance to get into those cool universities.

but as I lied around in my bed, I thought, "is it really what I've been wanting all along, study in a total strange country, coming to my so-called-home where there's no food at all, living alone? Gee. I don't want that."

and i thought of her. hell, its gonna cost a lot. shes got 5 kids already, i don't want to add any expenses. so i did a bit of changing plans. i was planning to go to the yellow university.

yes. UI.

i tried hard. i studied quite hard, not hard enough for her, I suppose.

I tried SIMAK UI, then SMUP (unpad), then Prasmul, then UMB.

the first result came from SMUP. i failed. damn.
then it's prasmul. failed again. hit me hard!
the next day, I remember completely, was 9 may, the result of SIMAK UI.

i spent the whole dawn thinking, damn.. Im going to spend my whole year studying to get into local university if UI wont accept me!

i woke up at 6. worried and all. most pf those univ posted the result online, but UI posted em in newspaper and online.

i was too damn worried, i was, well, kinda gave up already.

i cant tell you how miserable i felt when i started to search my number.

and it was under SASTRA INGGRIS.

lucky me.


that's all for now.

Rabu, 02 Desember 2009

so long!

phew! it's been a long time since I blogged.. for how long? hmm idk. been a long time pastinya :p so.. I miss blogging, actually.. now I'm goin to keep up! :)

gonna search for blogging app for now, so i could keep on posting. bah bhay.

Jumat, 12 Juni 2009

jadi gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

i am in the need of teh kotak and lots of milo.

bill, please?